(The Misogynists)
Patriarchal Pigs
Victim-blamers who constantly revictimize abused women. They are driven by a patriarchal worldview and believe untruthful, harmful, age-old stereotypes about women
Aliases: Sexist Sows, Alpha Porkers, Macho Hogs, Testosterone Tuskers, Patriarch Porks
These swine are among the worst of the worst -- they are the victim-blamers who constantly revictimize abused women. They are driven by a patriarchal worldview and believe untruthful, harmful, age-old stereotypes about women like ‘women are overly emotional,’ ‘women are crazy,’ and ‘women who stay in abusive relationships deserve what they get.’
I will have a blog post on these and other biases, stereotypes, and prejudices that the Patriarchal Pigs use to revictimize people, but suffice it to say, in my experience, they call female victims emotional (as if having emotions is a bad thing) but somehow argue that the narcissistic abuser, who is full of anger and rage, is not emotional (as if anger is not an emotion). Oh the mental gymnastics.
Ekho's Experience
In my case, the most insidious of the Patriarchal Pigs was
Fanny-- a former friend whom I (erroneously) trusted fully. Fanny prides herself on being a feminist (no joke) and a survivor of domestic violence and abuse. Yet she said horrible things to me and about me – such as “I never got justice and neither should you” (anytime I told her about my lawyer’s strategy to help me keep my house) or “How many times did Ekho go back to him, because I have lost count” (in response to my friend suggesting that my narcissist was not a good person).
This flying monkey arguably hurt me more than anyone else because, for years, I defended her and her husband who are both strong personalities and not well-liked in my narcissist’s circle. Ultimately, she sided with my narcissist and, not only tried to promote him to another leadership position within the church less than a year after he assaulted me for the second time, she also tried to get leadership to KICK ME OUT OF THE CHURCH and remove me from my position as Endowment Chair.
She and her husband, another flying monkey, have continued to attack me to this day.