(The Triangulators)
Tattle Turtles
used by the narcissist to create drama or conflict by spread rumors, gossip, or misinformation to manipulate situations and turn people against each other.
Aliases: Gossiping Galapagos, Information Terrapin, Snitch Shellback, Chatterbox Chelonian, Tattling Tortuga
Triangulating Tattle Turtles are used by the narcissist to create drama or conflict by involving them in communication between the narcissist and their target. They may spread rumors, gossip, or misinformation to manipulate situations and turn people against each other.
Ekho's Experience
The best example of this was a woman in our town who is renowned for being the town gossip and one of the most disagreeable people I have ever met -- her name is Plumb.
I don’t think my narcissist even actively recruited her, she offered herself up to him. People typically run when they see this detestable Turtle coming their way – and that is not an exaggeration. I have seen people basically run into oncoming traffic to avoid this cantankerous gossip.
As odious as this particular flying monkey was, I felt bad when Plumb's life came crashing down. In the matter of a few weeks, Plumb was fired from her job for being awful, had her termination published in the local newspaper, was charged and found guilty of harassing a citizen resulting in her losing her borough council seat, and lost her husband when he opted to move to a cabin in the woods without electricity or plumbing because it was preferable to living in the same house with her.
I invited Plumb over to my house for Christmas because she had nowhere else to go. While my intentions were to provide her with companionship and camaraderie, her agenda was to gather information about my significant other and me to take back to my narcissist’s flying monkeys.
Needless to say, she will not be spending Christmas at my house again – and if given the choice between a cabin without the comforts I have become accustomed to or another holiday with her -- open the cabin doors!