Gavin Stone

Narcissists hold themselves in really high self-regard and start seeing themselves as this grandiose figure where everything is about them. 

Lisa Happ

They start to tell people all these awful things you did or said about them that have never been true. 

Jacqueline Johnson

People don't know what goes on behind closed doors. They only know what you show them. 

Dr. Connor McClenahan

Narcissists have a narcissistic wound that gets inflamed when they feel shame. And then that's when you experience a narcissistic behavior. That does sort of make you feel empathy because to have t...

J Cangialosi

Gaslighting is one of the main components, one of the main indicators that you might be in an unhealthy, toxic, slash even abusive relationship. He came back just reeking of alcohol and acting drun...

Ada Lloyd

  i am Ekho Podcast: 006 The Complexity of Forgiveness with Ada Lloyd SOCIAL MEDIA  Facebook Instagram TikTok X Spotify YouTube SPONSORS: Marriott Hotels United Airlines Shopify (3 months at...
i am Ekho walking through the fire and I will not be afraid


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