Things a bear never did to me but my narcissist did:
- Slam my head into a wall and, then, tell everyone I self-harmed
- Slam my head into a wall and, then, tell me that I broke my own collarbone for putting my arm out to brace myself
- Scold me for accusing him of drinking followed by the silent treatment, only to later learn that he was drinking
- Do something horrible and, then, throw a fit in public to get our family and friends involved in our marital problems
- Tell everyone that we were in counseling for my alleged mental health issues when we were in counseling for his violence and alcoholism
- Tell me that he loved me and wanted to marry me and, simultaneously, tell his ex-wife that they were going to move out of state together
- Get caught looking at half-naked pics of his student, then run and tell his mom that I was being mean to him so that she would scold me through text
- Have his friends over to the house every day and never want my friends there and, then, say that I was trying to keep him from his friends
- Go to a bar/ brewery 4-6 times per week with his kids in tow, make them sit at a separate table from him while he and his friends talked about how great they were and drank to intoxication, and then scold me when I told him he shouldn’t do that and claim I am trying to keep him away from his kids
- Take pictures of my medicine (to include empty bottles) and then show them to his flying monkeys to paint the picture that I was mentally unstable
- Beat me up and, when I reacted, record my reaction to recruit more monkeys
- Tell me that I deserved to be cheated on because I was not pretty enough (download the free meme)
- Get made when I didn’t want him to drink and drive with the kids and accuse me of ‘not wanting him to have friends’. (download the free meme)
- Act like a monster to the children and then tell people that I was a threat to the kids
- Insist that he gets a birthday month and that I take him out to each multiple times and on weekend getaways, and then not even so much as give me a card on my birthday
- Try to get me kicked out of the church where he was the beloved former president because he hit me and I reported it
- Beg me to drop the PFA to a civil no-contact so that he could keep his professorship and funding and, then, when I agreed tell everyone I couldn’t get a PFA because I made the abuse and violence up
- Make plans with me for a vacation and, three days before the vacation, cancel because his bff invited him on a bike trip
- Guilt me into paying for him and his kids to go on an all-expensive paid trip to Costa Rica and, then, when I ask him to drive me and my kids to the airport for our vacation, refuse
- Tell his friends that he was protecting the kids from me and that is why he physically assaulted me (even though his kids were at a friend's house when he assaulted me) (Download the free meme)
- Not understand why I might not want him to hang out with a woman who told me to shut up almost every time she saw me and, then, accuse me of not wanting him to have friends (Download the free meme)
- Ask to use my credit card for lunch and, then, use my credit card to buy over a hundred dollars worth of groceries for his house
- Come over to my house to use my pool and, when I ask him to take the dog out because I will not be home, accuse me of using him
- Pretend like he was broke so that I would pay for everything, while he actually made more money than me
- Cheat on me with a friend and fellow member of our church, and then blame me for it because I was being difficult (I expressed hurt that he was an hour late for my daughter’s birthday party because he was chatting with a friend while my whole family sat around waiting for him to eat lunch) (download the free meme)
- Insist I pay for half or more of the vacations he wanted to take with his kids (and take off work to go on them so I could help watch the kids), and then refuse to go or contribute to my kids vacations
Leave a comment of what your narcissus did to you that a bear never did!
(or download one of these Narcissus-vs-Bear memes, share it on social, and brighten your day!)